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To ensure equal allotments of funds to classes and give you some flexibility with how you spend the allotted funds,  each division will be allocated a combined amount of $560 for a "total field trip" amount which can include bus travel and field trip costs or special guests. In the past, funding for bus and field trips have been allocated separately, they are now combined.

What do you need to do?
- Go to the PAC website Field Trip Form to request funds for field trips and busses up to a maximum of $560 per division.
- Feel free to partner with another Division to fill a bus - be sure to indicate on the form which division will use their allocated funds for the bus or if you would like to share.

- If you have already used a bus trip, or submitted for a field trip, this will go towards your allotment for the 2021/2022 school year.


Further to the total field trip allotment, you will also receive a $300 allotment to purchase supplies for your classroom. Please submit your receipt to Wendy in the office.


If you have any questions about this, please don't hesitate to contact us at

Important Notes

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